M.Sc. (IT)

Eligibility : All those candidates who have passed any recognized bachelor’s degree of minimum three years duration with Mathematics / Statistics / Business Mathematics / Business Statistics / Quantitative Techniques / Computer Science/ Information Technology as compulsory / Optional / additional paper as one of the subjects either at 10+2 or at graduation level. OR PGDCA / BCA / B.Sc. (IT)

Syllabus : Click here to download


PO1-Computational Knowledge: Apply knowledge of computing fundamentals, computing specialization, mathematics, and domain knowledge appropriate for the computing specialization to the abstraction and conceptualization of computing models from defined problems and requirements.

PO2-Problem Analysis: Identify, formulate, research literature, and solve computing problem searching substantiated conclusions using fundamental principles of mathematics, computing sciences, and relevant domain disciplines.

PO3-Design /Development of Solutions: Design and evaluate solutions for computing problems, and design and evaluate systems, components, or processes that meet specified needs with appropriate consideration for public health and safety, cultural, societal, and environmental considerations.

PO4-Conduct investigations of Computing problems: User research-based knowledge and research methods including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data and synthesis of the information to provide valid conclusions.

PO5-Modern Tool Usage: Create, select, adapt and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern computing tools to computing activities, with an understanding of the limitations.

PO6-Professional Ethics: Understand and commit to professional ethics and cyber regulations, responsibilities, and norms of professional computing practices.

PO7-Life-long Learning: Recognize the need, and have the ability, to engage in independent learning for continual development as a computing professional.

PO8-Communication Efficacy: Communicate effectively with the computing community, and with society at large, about computingactivitiesbybeingabletocomprehendandwriteeffectivereports, design documentation, make effective presentations, and give and understand clear instructions.

PO9– Societal and Environmental Concern: Understand and assess societal, environmental, health, safety, legal, and cultural issues within local and global contexts, and the consequential responsibilities relevant to professional computing practices.

PO10-Individual and Team Work: Function effectively as an individual and as a member or leader in diverse teams and in multidisciplinary environments.

On completion of this particular course, a student will be able to:

  • Semester - I

    Course Code Course Title Course Outcomes
    PGCA1901 Mathematics CO1-Comprehend, analyse, synthesise, evaluate, and make generalizations so as to solve mathematical problems.
    CO2-Collect, organize, represent, analyse, interpret data and make conclusions and predictions from its results.
    CO3-Apply mathematical knowledge and skills to familiar and unfamiliar situations.
    PGCA1902 Fundamentals of Computer and Programming in Python CO1-Build basic programs using fundamental programming constructs like variables, conditional logic, looping, and functions.
    CO2-Work with user input to create fun and interactive programs.
    CO3- Design user defined functions, modules, and packages.
    CO4- Identify and handle the exceptions in programs through appropriate exceptions handling methods
    PGCA1903 Operating System CO1-To provide users a convenient interface to use the computer system.
    CO2-To act as an intermediary between the hardware and its users, making it easier for the users to access and use other resources.
    CO3-To manage the resources of a computer system.
    CO4- Provide users a convenient interface to use the computer system.
    CO5-To act as an intermediary between the hardware and its users, making it easier for the users to access and use other resources.
    CO6- To manage the resources of a computer system.
    PGCA1904 Relational Database Management System CO1-An RDBMS is a type of database management system (DBMS) that stores data in a row-based table structure which connects related data elements.
    CO2-An RDBMS includes functions that maintain the security, accuracy, integrity and consistency of the data.
    CO3- This is different than the file storage used in a DBMS.
    PGCA1905 Technical Communication CO1-Communication objectives are the goals and ideals that influence the ways a business or individual communicates with customers, employees or other stakeholders.
    CO2-By developing strategies for communication, workplaces can set and adhere to consistent standards for every interaction.
    PGCA1906 Fundamentals of Computer and Programming in Python Laboratory CO1- Solve simple to advanced problems using Python language.
    CO2- Develop logic of various programming problems using numerous data types and control structures of Python.
    CO3- Implement different data structures using Python.
    CO4- Implement modules and functions using Python.
    CO5- Design and implement the concept of object oriented programming structures.
    CO6- Implement file handling
    PGCA1907 Relational Database Management System Laboratory CO1- Able to understand various queries and their execution
    CO2- Populate and query a database using SQL DML/DDL commands.
    CO3- Declare and enforce integrity constraints on a database
    CO4- Programming PL/SQL including stored procedures, stored functions, cursors
    CO5- Able to design new database and modify existing ones for new applications and reason about the efficiency of the result
    PGCA1908 Technical Communication Laboratory CO1- The objective of the course is to help the students become the independent users of English language.
    CO2- Students will acquire basic proficiency in listening and speaking skills.
    CO3-Students will be able to understand spoken English language, particularly the language of their chosen technical field.
    CO4-They will be able to converse fluently
    CO5-They will be able to produce on their own clear and coherent texts.
  • Semester - II

    Course Code Course Title Course Outcomes
    PGCA1909 Web Technologies CO1-Web Technology refers to the various tools and techniques that are utilized in the process of communication between different types of devices over the Internet. CO2-A web browser is used to access web pages.
    CO3-Web browsers can be defined as programs that display text, data, pictures, animation, and video on the Internet.
    PGCA1910 Computer Networks CO1-Computer networks enable communication for every business, entertainment, and research purpose.
    CO2-The internet, online search, email, audio and video sharing, online commerce, live-streaming, and social networks all exist because of computer networks.
    PGCA1911 Object Oriented Programming using C++ CO1-C++ is used in developing browsers, operating systems, and applications, as well as in-game programming, software engineering, data structures, etc.
    ·         CO2-Use functions and pointers in C++ program.
    ·         CO3-Understand tokens, expressions, and control structures.
    ·         CO4-Describe and use constructors and destructors.
    PGCA1912 Software Engineering CO1-Design and create computer systems and applications to solve real-world problems.
    CO2-Software engineers, sometimes called software developers, create software for computers and applications.
    PGCA1913 Software Engineering lab CO1-Understand and Describe basic concept of UML, design, implementation of test cases and OOP concepts using java
    CO2-Discuss and Analyses how to develop software requirements specifications for a given problem
    CO3-Explain and build DFD models.
    CO4-Understand and develop various structure and behaviour UML diagrams.
    CO5-Explain the knowledge of project management tool Demonstrate how to manage file using Project Libre project management tool.
    PGCA1914 Web Technologies Laboratory CO1- Understand Static and Dynamic concepts of web designing.
    CO2- Develop ability to retrieve data from a database and present it online.
    CO3- Design web pages that apply various dynamic effects on the web site.
    CO4- Solve complex and large problems using Scripting Language & Markup Language
    PGCA1915 Object Oriented Programming using C++ Laboratory CO1- To learn programming from real world examples.
    CO2- To understand Object oriented approach for finding solutions to various problems with the help of C++ language.
    CO3- To create computer based solutions to various real-world problems using C++
    CO4- To learn various concepts of object oriented approach towards problem solving
    PGCA1916 Data Structures Laboratory CO1- Student will be able to apply appropriate constructs of Programming language, coding standards for application development
    CO2- Students will be able to programming skills for solving problems.
    CO3- Select appropriate searching and/or sorting techniques for application development.
    CO4- Students will be able to learn graphs and its techniques
  • Semester - III

    Course Code Course Title Course Outcomes
    PGCA1917 Discrete Structures & Optimization CO1-Design and create computer systems and applications to solve real-world problems.
    CO2- Software engineers, sometimes called software developers, create software for computers and applications.
    PGCA1919 Computer Graphics CO1-Computer graphics refers to a technology that generates images on a computer screen.
    CO2- It’s used in digital photography, film and television, video games, and on electronic devices and is responsible for displaying images effectively to users.
    PGCA1921 E- Commerce & Digital Marketing CO1-E-commerce brings convenience for customers as they do not have to leave home and only need to browse websites online, especially for buying products which are not sold in nearby shops.
    CO2-It could help customers buy a wider range of products and save customers’ time. Consumers also gain power through online shopping.
    PGCA1937 Cloud Computing CO1-Cloud computing makes data backup, disaster recovery, and business continuity easier and less expensive because data can be mirrored at multiple redundant sites on the cloud provider’s network.
    PGCA1923 Computer Graphics Laboratory CO1-Student will be able to demonstrate effective OpenGL programs to solve graphics programming issues including different shapes.
    CO2– Student will be able to implement Line Drawing Algorithm using DDA and Bresenham’s Algorithm.
    CO3- Student will be able to implement Circle Drawing Algorithm using Mid Point Algorithm.
    CO4- Student will be able to implement 2D and 3D transformation.
    CO5- Student will be able to implement colour modelling, shading and animation.
    PGCA1938 Cloud Computing Laboratory CO1-To provide students a sound foundation of the Cloud Computing so that they are able to start using and adopting Cloud Computing services and tools in their real life scenarios.
    CO2-To enable students exploring some important cloud computing driven commercial systems and applications.
    PGCA1949 Minor Project CO1-The objective of the project course is to help the student develop ability to apply multidisciplinary concepts, tools and techniques to analyze and logically approach the organizational problems.
  • Semester -IV

    Course Code Course Title Course Outcomes
    PGCA1939 Java Technologies CO1-The Java programming language originated as part of a research project to develop advanced software for a wide variety of network devices and embedded systems.
    CO2-The goal was to develop a small, reliable, portable, distributed, real-time operating platform..
      Elective – I  
      Elective – II  
    PGCA1940 Java Technologies Laboratory CO1-Identify classes, objects, members of a class and the relationships among them for a Specific problem.
    CO2- Develop programs using appropriate packages for Inter –thread Communication and Synchronization.
    CO3- Develop GUI applications to handle events.
    CO4- Develop client server based applications.
    CO5- Design develops, test and debug Java programs using object-oriented principles in Conjunction with development tools including integrated development environments.
      Elective – II Laboratory  
    PGCA1950 Major Project CO1-The objective of the project course is to help the student develop ability to apply multidisciplinary concepts, tools and techniques to analyze and logically approach the organizational problems.
  • Elective - I

    Course Code Course Title Course Outcomes
    PGCA1927 Theory of Computation CO1-The main purpose of theory of computation is to develop a formal mathematical model of computation that reflects the real world computers.
    PGCA1932 Information Security & Cyber Law CO1-Information security protects sensitive information from unauthorized activities, including inspection, modification, recording, and any disruption or destruction.
    CO2-The goal is to ensure the safety and privacy of critical data such as customer account details, financial data or intellectual property.
    PGCA1941 Data Warehousing and Data Mining CO1-Data warehousing is intended to provide the organization with a reliable source of data for many types of business analysis.
    CO2-Data mining is intended to provide the organization with hidden insights that cannot otherwise be gleaned from large-scale data.
    PGCA1942 Business Intelligence CO1-The purpose of business intelligence in a business is to help corporate executives, business managers, and other operational workers make better and more informed business decisions.
     CO2-Companies also use business intelligence to cut costs, identify new business opportunities, and spot inefficient business processes.
  • Elective - II

    Course Code Course Title Course Outcomes
    PGCA1926 Artificial Intelligence & Soft Computing CO1-Artificial intelligence (AI) makes it possible for machines to learn from experience, adjust to new inputs and perform human-like tasks.
    CO2-Most AI examples that you hear about today – from chess-playing computers to self-driving cars – rely heavily on deep learning and natural language processing.
    PGCA1943 IoT and Its Applications CO1-The Internet of Things (IoT) describes the network of physical objects—“things”—that are embedded with sensors, software, and other technologies for the purpose of connecting and exchanging data with other devices and systems over the internet.
    PGCA1945 Machine Learning CO1-Machine learning allows the user to feed a computer algorithm an immense amount of data and have the computer analyze and make data-driven recommendations and decisions based on only the input data.
    PGCA1947 Big Data Analytics CO1-Big data enables you to gather data from social media, web visits, call logs, and other sources to improve the interaction experience and maximize the value delivered.
    CO2- Start delivering personalized offers, reduce customer churn, and handle issues proactively.
  • Elective – II Laboratory

    Course Code Course Title Course Outcomes
    PGCA1929 Artificial Intelligence & Soft Computing Laboratory CO1-Apply various pre-processing techniques on different datasets.
    CO2- Construct Machine learning programs for Supervised, Unsupervised and Semi supervised learning models.
    CO3- Develop Deep learning programs for Supervised & Unsupervised learning models.
    CO4- Identify and Apply Artificial Intelligence concepts to solve real world problems.
    PGCA1944 IoT and Its Applications Laboratory CO1-Setup a basic IoT hardware.
    CO2- Apply IoT concept in simple real life applications. – Writing cloud based or local executable code to communicate with the above Arduino board.
    CO3- Apply IoT concepts in advance applications.
    PGCA1946 Machine Learning Laboratory CO1-Understand the mathematical and statistical prospective of machine learning algorithms through python programming.
    CO2-Design and evaluate the unsupervised models through python in built functions.
    CO3-Evaluate the machine learning models pre-processed through various feature engineering algorithms by python programming.
    CO4-Design and apply various reinforcement algorithms to solve real time complex problems.
    CO5-Design and develop the code for recommender system using Natural Language processing
    PGCA1948 Big Data Laboratory CO1-Understand and implement the basics of data structures like Linked list, stack, queue , set and map in Java.
    CO2-Demonstrate the knowledge of big data analytics and implement different file management task in Hadoop.
     CO3-Understand Map Reduce Paradigm and develop data applications using variety of systems.
    CO4- Analyze and perform different operations on data using Pig Latin scripts.

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