Code of Conduct for Students

Code of Conduct for Students

  1. As per the KMS College Ordinance, a student shall be required to have a minimum attendance of 75% in the aggregate of all the subjects taken together in a semester. The Director of the Institute concerned may condone an attendance shortage of up to 5% for individual students for reasons to be recorded. However, under no condition, a student with an aggregate attendance of less than 70% in a semester shall be allowed to appear in the Semester-End-Examination. For female students, a relaxation of 2% in mandatory attendance should be explored for the menstrual period,
    A student who has been detained due to a shortage of attendance will not be promoted to the next semester and he/she will be required to take re-admission and repeat all papers/subjects of the said semester with the next batch of students. In other words, he/she will lose one year.
  2. In case of participation in co-curricular and extracurricular activities, student application shall be duly recommended by the faculty in charge of the particular activity and should be submitted to the Head of the Department concerned before such participation, and also immediately after the participation is over for grant of attendance for that period. Any application received after 3 working days of the event will not be accepted.
  3. Once the list of students detained on account of shortage of attendance has been put up on the notice board, no further hearing will be given to the students except in cases of any discrepancy in the calculation of attendance.
  4. If a student is continuously absent without permission of the concerned Head, his/her parents/guardian will be informed accordingly.

With reference to guidelines of the Hon’ble Supreme Court of India in Writ Petition No. (C) 656/1998, DHE, Delhi, UGC, BCI and IKGPTU, ragging is totally prohibited and anyone found guilty of ragging or abetting ragging will be liable for punishment as per “UGC Regulations on Curbing Ragging”. To prohibit, prevent and eliminate the scourge of ragging from the Institute, the Anti-Ragging Committee is constituted in the institute. The committee ensures compliance with the provisions of these Regulations / Guidelines as well as the provisions of any law for the time being in force concerning ragging. The Committee takes adequate measures for the prevention of ragging. In case of any query/complaint, the committee can be reached at

The KMS College is one in which faculty members and students can flourish in an atmosphere of mutual respect. Students will be guided in a positive manner to develop their full potential academically, socially, and emotionally. The Institute is a peaceful one in which differences are settled through negotiation and problem-solving. Everyone has a right to be shown respect, kindness, and courtesy and to live in a safe environment.

  1. All the students shall make themselves acquainted with the rules and regulations notified for their conduct. Ignorance of the rules will not be accepted as an excuse for their violation.
  2. Students are strictly forbidden to write or make any remarks on the wall or any part of the Institute premises or on furniture.
  3. Discourtesy and disrespect to the members of the Institute in any form will be viewed seriously and students responsible for such misbehaviors are liable to be dismissed.

A student committing any breach of discipline in the Institute as specified below will render himself/herself liable to disciplinary action:

  1. Any form of bullying or ragging.
  2. Unacceptable behavior including but not limited to irregular attendance, academic dishonesty, disruptive behavior, loitering, and disrespectful behavior towards staff or fellow students.
  3. Long absence from lectures/training programmes without permission.
  4. Absenteeism from university examination without any valid reason.
  5. Found inappropriately dressed.
  6. Misbehaviour and misconduct of any kind with your peers, staff, faculty, and outsiders.
  7. Use of criminal force, physical assault, or threat to use physical force against any fellow students or any other member of the teaching or non-teaching staff of the institution.
  8. KMS is an alcohol and tobacco/substance abuse-free campus. Consumption of alcohol or any form of tobacco within the campus is a punishable offense and would lead to serious repercussions.
  9. Use of Crackers or Holi Colours on the Campus.
  10. Failing to pay the prescribed fee within the time schedule notified by the Institute.
  11. Unauthorised communication/association with foreign nationals, press, undesirable persons, and political parties in India and abroad.
  12. Entry into areas declared ‘Out of Bound’ by the Institute authorities.
  13. Not carrying an Institute ID Card inside the Campus.
  14. Unauthorised collection of funds for any purpose.
  15. Cell Phones shall be on “Silent” mode in the class/laboratory/ library or during any other academic activity.
  16. Students will refrain from damaging any form of Institute property. The Institute reserves the right to be compensated by the student for any such damages.
  17. Putting information/posters without permission of the Head of Department on Notice Boards.
  18. Use of unfair means during examinations, class tests, assignments, etc.
  19. Carrying or possession of a deadly weapon inside or outside the Institute’s premises.
  20. Any form of gambling.
  21. Any other behavior or act by a student or group of students that threatens the Institution’s disciplinary system or academic environment.

The Discipline Committee shall perform the following functions:

  1. To examine issues relating to maintaining discipline among students in the teaching department of the college or the institution.
  2. To investigate acts of indiscipline or misconduct committed by a student or students whenever such cases are referred to the Discipline Committee by the Director of an institution, and to submit their findings, conclusions, and recommendations.
  3. To oversee and keep an eye on the current disciplinary climate at the institution.
  4. To take preventive and precautionary measures, such as issuing notices, warnings, instructions, etc., as necessary, to stop individual or group acts of indiscipline, misconduct, ragging, etc.
  5. To maintain contact with the police, relevant government departments, nearby institutions, and relevant authorities regarding the maintenance of law and order in the institution.
  6. To carry out any additional duties that may occasionally be given to it by the Director of the Institution.
    To ensure discipline among students, KMS has constituted a “Discipline Committee” of the following members. In case of any query/complaint, the committee can be reached at [email protected]

The Institute reserves to itself the right to remove or rusticate students from the rolls on the grounds of deliberately furnishing false particulars for admission to the Institute. The Institute can also dismiss students whose diligence or progress in studies is steadily unsatisfactory or whose conduct is harmful to the other students. Immorality, grave insubordination, contempt of authority, or wilful damage to property is always a sufficient reason for immediate dismissal.

The faculty maintains regular contact with the parents/guardians of their students to keep them informed of the state of their ward’s academic pursuits, their general conduct or behavior, and interest in cultural and other co-curricular activities, etc. Once a semester, parent-teacher meetings are held preferably with a prior appointment. However, parents can come to meet the staff between 03:00 PM and 04:00 PM on any working day, if needed for private discussions and potential changes in their ward.
