With reference to guidelines of the Hon’ble Supreme Court of India in Writ Petition No. (C) 656/1998, DHE, Delhi, UGC, BCI and IKGPTU, ragging is totally prohibited and anyone found guilty of ragging or abetting ragging will be liable for punishment as per “UGC Regulations on Curbing Ragging”. To prohibit, prevent and eliminate the scourge of ragging from the Institute, the Anti-Ragging Committee is constituted in the institute. The committee ensures compliance with the provisions of these Regulations / Guidelines as well as the provisions of any law for the time being in force concerning ragging. The Committee takes adequate measures for the prevention of ragging. In case of any query/complaint, the committee can be reached at
The KMS College is one in which faculty members and students can flourish in an atmosphere of mutual respect. Students will be guided in a positive manner to develop their full potential academically, socially, and emotionally. The Institute is a peaceful one in which differences are settled through negotiation and problem-solving. Everyone has a right to be shown respect, kindness, and courtesy and to live in a safe environment.
A student committing any breach of discipline in the Institute as specified below will render himself/herself liable to disciplinary action:
The Discipline Committee shall perform the following functions:
The Institute reserves to itself the right to remove or rusticate students from the rolls on the grounds of deliberately furnishing false particulars for admission to the Institute. The Institute can also dismiss students whose diligence or progress in studies is steadily unsatisfactory or whose conduct is harmful to the other students. Immorality, grave insubordination, contempt of authority, or wilful damage to property is always a sufficient reason for immediate dismissal.
The faculty maintains regular contact with the parents/guardians of their students to keep them informed of the state of their ward’s academic pursuits, their general conduct or behavior, and interest in cultural and other co-curricular activities, etc. Once a semester, parent-teacher meetings are held preferably with a prior appointment. However, parents can come to meet the staff between 03:00 PM and 04:00 PM on any working day, if needed for private discussions and potential changes in their ward.