Yes, early decision or early action might be the best choice, as there are limited seats in every course. If you want to reserve the seat, you can reserve by paying the Registration Fee only.
Yes. Although the medium of instruction in KMS CITM is English, but you can successfully complete your studies, as faculty at KMS illustrate the topics in understandable language and will surely pay special attention to students who need help.
Most of the other colleges offer traditional degrees which nowadays provide fewer employment opportunities, while KMS College of IT & Management provides technical degrees as its is a technical college affiliated with a State Government University (IKG Punjab Technical University, Kapurthala-Jalandhar)
No, KMS CITM don’t appreciate students to take extra paid tuition, rather any student can go for extra classes (provided on request by students) within the campus with prior permission from authority.
Yes, Final year students can apply, even when the Marks cards are not received. They have to submit the pending certificates in original before last date of eligibility check by the University.
Original certificates will be returned back to candidate as soon as University finishes the Eligibility Check Procedure, and latest before the start of the semester end examination.
All the degree course offered by KMS CITM Dasuya, are job oriented as well as self employment enabled. After completing the course, all degree holders can pursue good jobs or can go for self-employment, at big cities as well as small towns/villages.
Each year consists of two semesters. Every semester University publishes a detailed academic calendar. Normally the university examinations are held at the end of every semester in the months of December/January and April/May or as decided by the competent authority.
Final result (Pass or Re-Appear) is declared online by IKG PTU in Grading/Credit System and SGPA (Semester Grade Point Average). Grades and Grade Values are as follows: O(10) Outstanding, A+(09) Excellent, A(08) Very Good, B+(07) Good, B(06) Above Average, C(05) Average, P(04) Marginal/Pass, F Failed/ReAppear, Ab Absent, E Detained, I Incomplete, S/UN Satisfactory/Not-Satisfactory. Students get result in Grades, Credits Earned and SGPA, which indicates the performance of the students in the particular semester. The SGPA (Semester Grade Point Average) is the ratio of sum of the product of the number of credits with the grade points scored by a student in all the course components taken by a student and the sum of the number of credits of all the courses undergone by a student in a semester, i.e
SGPA (Si) = ∑(Ci x Gi) / ∑Ci
where ‘Ci’ is number of credits of ith course component and ‘Gi’ is grade point scored by student in ith course component.
SGPA can be converted into percentage using the formula:
Percentage = (SGPA – 0.75) x 10
Yes, Migration is allowed as per university regulations.
No, since KMS CITM is offering regular course only, candidate need to be present in college regularly, but he/she can do a part-time job after/before classes only.
Yes, College is providing transport facility to students.
Yes, there is adequate parking space available at owner’s risk.
Bachelor of Vocation (B.Voc.) programme is under the National Skills Qualifications Framework (NSQF). It is credit-based modular programmes, wherein banking of credits for skill and general education components are permitted so as to enable multiple exit and entry. This enables the learner to seek employment after any level of Award and join back as and when feasible to upgrade her / his qualification / skill competency either to move higher in her / his job or in the higher educational system. The students have the option to exit with a Certificate, Diploma or Advanced Diploma after acquiring requisite no of credits. Such students may be awarded Certificate, Diploma or Advanced Diploma, as the case may be, by the College. All the learners continuing for Diploma courses or further will be treated at par from second semester onwards. Students may exit after six months with a Certificate (NSQF Level 4) or may continue for diploma or advanced diploma or B.Voc. degree level course(s). An academic progression for the students in vocational stream is illustrated :
Skill component will conform to the Qualification Packs (QPs) / National Occupational Standards (NOSs) and the general education component will conform to the University norms. Skill component of the course will be assessed and certified by the respective Sector Skill Council in terms of NSQF level. The general education component will be assessed and certified by IKGPTU as per the prevailing standards and procedures.